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eLearning Modules

Companies are duty bound to ensure that employees driving on company business are correctly trained and safe behind the wheel. There are many different training interventions available, including on-road, workshops and online training.

DriveWise offers a full range of Driver Risk Management services, including the use of e-learning modules specifically designed to increase the knowledge and understanding of certain key subjects. DriveWise’s modules are suitable for a range of different employees, from company car drivers through to drivers of large vehicles carrying dangerous goods.


Company Car Drivers

Duty of care
Safe driving
Highway Code knowledge

Drivers Hours

Record keeping
Working time regulations
Driver fatigue

Manual Handling

Safe lifting
Risk assessments
Mechanical Handling techniques

Vulnerable Road Users

Driving conditions
The dangers of speeding
Driving safely around vulnerable road users


Digital tachograph operation
Rest periods
‘Other work’ definitions

Each module finishes with a short questionnaire where a pass mark of 80% is required. Delegates will be sent a link to log in to the module and will then be navigated through a series of screens and asked to complete various exercises to aid learning of each subject.

Delivery and Duration


  • Duration – 8 hours

Training ratio:

  • up to 3:1

Delivery platform:

  • various including Microsoft Teams, WebEx or Zoom.

Why you should choose DriveWise?

All our courses are engaging, interactive and delivered by trained professionals. By choosing DriveWise, not only are you helping your employees to ensure they become better drivers, you are improving safety for them and all road users, reducing incidents and gaining maximum ROI that will make a real difference to your organisation.

Find out more

Call us on 01274 511511
Or use our Enquiry Form