Collisions are costly – with an impact on drivers and vehicles. The driver, whether at fault or not, can suffer from injury, shock and even post-traumatic stress. They may need time off work or even give up driving altogether. Plus, your drivers are a very valuable asset to your company, so if they have been involved in a collision, the loss to the business can be significant both logistically and financially.
Drivers who have been involved in an incident where another driver had hit them often blame the other driver without considering whether they could have taken any action to avoid becoming involved in the collision.
Post-collision training for ‘at fault’ drivers is well established, but the “Not My Fault” course from Fleet Training is specifically aimed at drivers who have been involved in two or more non-blameworthy incidents within a rolling twelve-month period. In these cases, it can be hugely valuable to help the driver to understand the real cause of the collision, so that they ‘ can take a proactive approach to prevent future incidents.
This one-day course opens with a detailed session where the Fleet Training coach will discuss the incident(s) with the delegate. The coach will then deliver a bespoke training course to raise awareness levels, and together with the driver, formulate driving plans that include may escape routes, maintaining space and building an understanding of how collisions occur.
The course focuses on forward planning and anticipation of other road users’ actions, preparing their own vehicle’s speed and position in advance – to prevent themselves from becoming caught up in another driver’s poor driving and mistakes. The wider objective of this is to reduce the risk of drivers being involved in similar incidents in the future, by being proactive in their approach to road safety and by taking a defensive approach to driving.
Personal Plan – the course concludes with the coach and driver reviewing the driver’s achievements and collaboratively developing an ongoing driving plan.
The DriveWise coach will set improvement goals during the post training feedback session to give the delegate targets to reduce their exposure to risk.
All our courses are engaging, interactive and delivered by trained professionals. The techniques taught in this module have been shown to produce a smoother drive with fewer ‘surprises’ and reduced risk of near misses or collisions. So, by choosing Fleet Training, not only are you helping your employees to ensure they become better drivers, you are improving safety for them and all road users, reducing incidents and gaining maximum ROI that will make a real difference to your organisation.
Our Post-collision course is just one of a growing range, created by experts to meet the needs of today’s fleet operations.